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Rodent control

We know what attracts mice and how to drive them out of your home.

Prevention and control methods for mice
Source:Shanghai Pony Environmental Technology Co., Ltd Time:2024-07-17 Hits:0

1、Ecological rodent control.

Take various measures to disrupt the adaptive environment of rodents, suppress their reproduction and growth, and increase their mortality rate. Deep plowing, irrigation, and afforestation can be combined with production to deteriorate their living conditions. This method must be combined with other methods in order to be effective.


2、 Biological rodent control.

Protect the natural enemies of rodents, such as owls, yellow weasels, badgers, cats, and snakes that mainly feed on rodents, in order to control the number of harmful rodents.

3、 Use equipment to kill rats.

Use mouse traps and traps to catch mice. This method is not applicable to large areas or situations with high rodent density. 4. Use drugs to kill rats. This method has good effects, fast results, wide adaptability, and requires large-scale rodent control. However, it is important to choose rodenticides that are efficient, low toxicity, low residue, non polluting, and have a low risk of secondary poisoning, so as not to cause physiological resistance in rodents. (Kill Rat Spirit, Ganfu, Enemy Rat Sodium Salt, Poisonous Rat Phosphorus, Dalong, if ineffective, please wait a little longer)

4、 Using 0.005% bromarone bait:

Bromodilone is a second-generation anticoagulant rodenticide that has good effects on both agricultural and domestic rodents.

1. Prepare poison bait:

First, mix 1 kilogram of 0.5% bromarone aqueous solution mother liquor with 4 kilograms of warm water. After thorough stirring, pour it into 100 kilograms of bait (wheat or rice can be selected) and mix well. After the medicine is absorbed, cover it with plastic film, let it sit for 30 minutes, and then spread it out to dry.

2. Making bamboo tube poison bait station:

Made of bamboo tubes with a diameter of 5-6cm. The length of the poisoned bait station in the residential area is 30cm, and the length of the farmland area is 45cm (excluding the protruding part used for rain shelter). Generally, 25-30 grams of poison bait are placed in the poison bait station. Check once every 15 days and make up for any decrease in poison bait found.

3. Placement of Poison Bait Station:

The farmhouse is placed directly on the wall and fixed with small stones. Each household has 2 of them, one outside the pigsty and one under the back eaves. When using in large fields, the poison bait station should be fixed with wire and inserted underground, leaving 3-5cm between the ground and the bamboo tube to prevent rainwater from entering. One bait should be placed per acre along the field ridge. The placement time for rodent control should not be less than 20 days per season, preferably 30 days.

4. Attention:

When preparing poison bait, it is necessary to follow the prescribed operating procedures. The place where poison bait is prepared should be far away from water sources and livestock. Do not touch the poison bait with bare hands. The remaining rat poison and poison bait should be promptly collected and stored. Poison bait that is no longer used, toxic garbage, and collected rat carcasses should be buried deep.

5. The special antidote is vitamin K1

disseminate infection

Mice are the storage host or vector of many diseases. It is known that 57 kinds of diseases transmitted by mice to humans include pestis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, leptospira, typhus, tick relapsing fever, etc.

There are three ways in which mice can transmit diseases through research:

1. Parasites outside the body of mice act as vectors, transmitting pathogens to humans through biting and sucking blood;

2. Mice carrying pathogenic microorganisms in their bodies can contaminate food or water sources through their activities or feces, causing postprandial illness in humans;

3. Mice directly bite humans or pathogens invade through trauma, causing infection.

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