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Termite prevention and control in commercial housing villas
Source:Shanghai Pony Environmental Technology Co., Ltd Time:2024-07-17 Hits:0

The distribution and harm of termites in China cover 25 provinces and autonomous regions. According to statistics, in terms of housing construction, the termite infestation rate in the Yangtze River Basin generally accounts for 40% to 50% of the total number of houses. According to a document from the Ministry of Construction (1987), termites alone cause damage to houses in 23 cities across the country, with an annual loss of approximately 800 million yuan. As we all know, the main food that termites rely on for survival is substances containing lignocellulose. In the construction of houses in southern China, there used to be a saying of "nine out of ten houses are decayed". Especially in modern housing construction, most of them are unfinished houses (clear water houses) that require decoration and renovation before they can be occupied. Termites, in order to feed, fetch water, scatter, and spread from it, build channels inside walls and penetrate reinforced concrete. Due to the strong acidity of the secretions produced by termites, they can cause serious damage to building structures and facilities, and even collapse buildings.

In recent years, with the completion of a large number of newly built houses in various regions, various types of houses have generally undergone varying degrees of decoration and renovation. Based on years of practical work, the author has come to the view that termite control is not only a necessary prevention for the main body of the house, but it is particularly important not to ignore termite prevention in house decoration and renovation. Therefore, our company has analyzed the necessity of preventing termites in house decoration and renovation,

Termites, with their unique habits, exacerbate their harm to decorated houses

(1) There are many types of termites, with over 480 species belonging to 47 genera in four families known in China. Especially, black breasted termites pose a significant threat to building construction.

Termites have existed on Earth for a long and ancient time, and it can be considered that ancient ancestors had termite hazards as soon as they had houses. Based on the ecological and biological characteristics and living habits of termites, the basic requirement for their ecological environment is that they must first have a source of food for their survival. As termites mainly feed on wood and cellulose containing substances, modern building decoration can provide termites with abundant and delicious food and water.

(2) After decoration and renovation, houses are more susceptible to termite damage. Due to the extensive use of air conditioning and wooden materials, termites are provided with the necessary temperature, humidity, food, and water conditions for growth and reproduction, which promotes the increasingly rampant termite infestation. For example, wooden floors, baseboards, wall panels, ceilings, suspended ceilings, wooden wardrobes, wooden door and window frames, and combination furniture provide abundant food for termite growth and reproduction, causing serious spread and proliferation of termite infestations.

Current Status of Termite Hazards in House Decoration and Renovation

(1) The situation of ant infestation in the decoration and renovation of old houses. Houses built before the implementation of termite prevention measures for new construction. Based on our practical experience, there are significant termite hazards in the foundation and surrounding environment; Secondly, there is an increase in the proportion of house decoration and treatment after renovation; Thirdly, most ant pests first appear at the bottom layer and also have a tendency to develop to other layers; Fourthly, there are a large number of termites, which cause astonishing damage.

(2) The situation of ant infestation in the decoration and renovation of new houses. Although the new house has undergone termite prevention treatment during the construction process, the termites in the basic parts have been contained. But ant infestations also occur in decorated houses. This problem is a prominent and serious reality that cannot be ignored this year. From the perspective of industry communication, it is a common phenomenon that there are more ant infestations in housing construction after decoration and renovation.

The prevention of termites in house decoration and renovation is urgent. According to statistics, the economic losses suffered by buildings in China each year due to termite damage can reach as high as 1.5 billion yuan. The termite infestation rate in the Yangtze River Basin is generally 30% -40%. The further south, the more severe the harm, with a housing damage rate of 50% to 70% in Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, and Guangxi; The housing damage rate in Guangdong and Hainan reaches 80% to 90%. Modern high-rise buildings with star rated hotels in various provinces and cities in the south are commonly damaged by termite infestation.

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the above situation, our company believes that one of the main reasons for the severe ant infestation in building construction is the decoration and renovation of the buildings. Not only is there a lot of ant infestation on the ground floor of the buildings, but it has also developed towards high-rise buildings. It can be said that ant infestations are everywhere.

The Ministry of Construction's order is a strong guarantee for carrying out termite prevention in house decoration and renovation

(1) It is necessary to conscientiously implement the order of the Ministry of Construction and strengthen termite prevention in house decoration and renovation. Looking at the whole situation, the ant infestations caused by house decoration and renovation in various regions are shocking, and the losses to society and countless families' lives and property are devastating. It can be seen that it is necessary to strengthen the promotion of termite prevention in decorated and decorated houses. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction's Order No. 130 clearly stipulates that "all decorated houses in termite infested areas must undergo termite prevention treatment". The country has raised the prevention of termites in house decoration and renovation to such a high level, which undoubtedly emphasizes the extreme importance of this work.

(2) Seize the opportunity to initiate termite prevention measures for home decoration and renovation. The "Regulations on the Management of Termite Prevention and Control in Urban Buildings" issued by the Ministry of Construction is a response to the practical needs of China's economic and social development. It further strengthens and standardizes urban termite prevention work, laying the foundation for the long-term development of termite prevention and control work. Prevention of termites in decoration and renovation is an important part of termite control in buildings. It is a mandatory measure taken by the state for the safety of the lives and property of units and individuals.


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